Monday, December 09, 2019

Key Priorities for Competitiveness of Agribusiness and Food Industry

Today, competitive intelligence, quality and safety of the foods, using new technologies, developing new products, entering new markets and working with the right skills are being crucial and competitive factors in today’s agriculture, food and beverage industries. Therefore:
  • Increase production;
  • Improve and ensure quality;
  • Develop skills;
  • Drive competitiveness;
  • Build domestic and international markets and customer loyalty;
  • Create collaboration and networking;
  • Develop and launch new products;
  • Use new technology.
As a senior agrifood industry innovation expert and agro-food industry operations executive from the farm to the fork, I design, coordinate and supervise agribusiness and food value chain projects anywhere in the world and create value. Call today!

How to Create an Agriculture Sector that is Strong, Innovative and Sustainable?

In today's global climate change and COVID-19 coronavirus problems, we have to focus and enhance the agricultural innovation . Therefore...